The six international mentors of Forecast 7 have each selected three projects for the Forecast Forum in July.
Out of over 600 applications from more than 100 countries, the six mentors of Forecast’s 2022–23 edition have each identified three projects that they will accompany from May until the Forecast Forum in July. The projects are nominated for a one-on-one mentorship with the respective mentor and will be presented during the Forecast Forum’s public days, from July 15–17, 2022, at radialsystem in Berlin. Following the Forum, each mentor will select one mentee. Those six mentees’ projects will be further accompanied to completion, and unveiled at the Forecast Festival in March 2023 at the same venue. |
Forecast congratulates the nominees in each category: Humor and Storytelling Mentor: comedian Daliso Chaponda (Malawi) Hamza Baig (Pakistan) Jo Güstin (Canada/France) Patricia Achiro Olwoch (Uganda)The Forecast Forum will take place from July 15th – 17th, 2022 at RadialSystem, BerlinTo read the full article visit |